Research in Didactics: Towards Interdisciplinarity and Cooperation


  • Roser Juanola Terradellas
Keywords: Comparative didactique, visual methodologies, action ensemble, objetification theory, theory of situations, didactic transposition, social mapping, hermeneutic.


This article aims to explain the main references that characterize the educational research in our context. This requires assessing the main external influences and the way how are you we have been conditioned. Briefly describes the trajectory of specific teaching in Spain give to his creation to the present moment, to understand the passage of its constitution to create the research and its effects. Highlights the emerging methodologies and proposed findings that point to new perspectives on the proposed interdisciplinary teaching compared.


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How to Cite
Juanola Terradellas, R. (2011). Research in Didactics: Towards Interdisciplinarity and Cooperation. Educatio Siglo XXI, 29(1), 233–262. Retrieved from