Validation of the Criteria of Johnson and Johnson (1992) as Indicators of Assessment for Cooperative Attitudes


  • Dolors Cañabate Ortiz
  • Lluis Miguel del Carmen Martín
  • Isabel Gómez Alemany
Keywords: Cooperative attitudes, qualitative methodology, validation of criteria, valuation, a study of a case.


The objective of our work has been to validate Johnson and Johnson’s criteria (1992) as indicators of evaluation of cooperative attitudes. It aims to define, contrast and evaluate these criteria analysing the development of cooperative attitudes in six-year-old children when doing school work activities in the classroom. The data obtained contrasted through different instruments and in different contexts has permitted to value and reelaborate the initial proposal and to offer some orientations and criteria more adjusted to the reality being studied which could be useful to other schools of similar characteristics. 


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Author Biographies

Dolors Cañabate Ortiz

Universidad de Girona

Lluis Miguel del Carmen Martín

Universidad de Girona

Isabel Gómez Alemany

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
How to Cite
Cañabate Ortiz, D., Carmen Martín, L. M. del, & Gómez Alemany, I. (2010). Validation of the Criteria of Johnson and Johnson (1992) as Indicators of Assessment for Cooperative Attitudes. Educatio Siglo XXI, 28(2), 205–222. Retrieved from