The Influence of Sociocognitive Factors on the Quality of University Students' Writing


  • Manuela De Las Nieves Álvarez Álvarez
  • Lourdes Villardón Gallego
  • Concepción Yániz Álvarez de Eulate
Keywords: Academic writing, quality of writing, attitudes towards writing, strategies, learning styles.


The research covers the impact of instructions for carrying out written work, as well as attitudes, strategies and learning styles, on the quality of the written work produced by university students. We started out from an understanding of the social-cognitive nature of writing, namely, that the social, cultural context of the text, the objectives, personal  characteristics and attitudes of the writer all have an influence on the writing process and
the written material produced. We worked with a sample of 489 students who were asked to produce an argumentative text and given two different sets of instructions. A table of criteria validated by experts was used to evaluate the work the students produced. The instrument used to measure different learning styles was an adapted version (Yániz & Villardón 2002) of the CHAEA (Alonso, Gallego & Honey, 1994) questionnaire. The EMAE
(Measurement Scale of Attitudes towards Writing (Álvarez, Villardón & Yániz, 2005) was used to identify the students’ attitudes towards writing. In order to identify what
strategies were used during the process of composition, students were asked to provide a chronological description of the ones that they employed.

The results of the research indicated that the quality of writing was pretty low. High
quality writing was associated to strategies employed such as planning, linking ideas and checking through written work plus a positive attitude towards writing, namely an enjoyment of the process and a recognition of it as an aid to reflection and learning. 


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Author Biographies

Manuela De Las Nieves Álvarez Álvarez

Universidad de Deusto

Lourdes Villardón Gallego

Universidad de Deusto

Concepción Yániz Álvarez de Eulate

Universidad de Deusto
How to Cite
Álvarez Álvarez, M. D. L. N., Villardón Gallego, L., & Yániz Álvarez de Eulate, C. (2010). The Influence of Sociocognitive Factors on the Quality of University Students’ Writing. Educatio Siglo XXI, 28(2), 181–204. Retrieved from