Memory, Heritage and Education


  • Antonio Viñao
Keywords: Memory, history, educational and historical inheritance, museums of education, commemorations.


In this article the relationships and interactions among memory, educational inheritance and history are tackled. First, in a specific way, the relationships and interactions between memory and history are addressed through a special analysis of the commemorations as a link between both subjects and as an institutional tool of the policies of oblivion and memory. Then, the relationships and interactions between memory and educational inheritance are studied (exhibitions, researches, scientific societies, conferences, groups and projects of research, international statements and recommendations as well as pedagogical museism). Finally, some of the issues arising from the safeguard and cataloguing of the educational inheritance are set out: the need to connect them with its study, the diversity of its uses and values, the problems
related to the changes occurring in the technological supports of memory, and the
intergenerational preservations and transmission of knowledge, namely of the cultural
and educational legacy or inheritance. 


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How to Cite
Viñao, A. (2010). Memory, Heritage and Education. Educatio Siglo XXI, 28(2), 17–42. Retrieved from