Areas for Cooperation among Teaching Centres and Families. A Case Study.


  • Raquel-Amaya Martínez González
  • Beatriz Rodríguez Ruiz
  • Juan Luis Gimeno Esteo
Keywords: Typology of School-Families Partnerships, Action-Research.


This paper describes an action-research study carried out in an Infant and Primary state school. The aim was to identify the needs and socio-demographic characteristics of the families who enrolled their children at school, which might condition their participation in the school activities.
An action-research team composed by representatives of the Direction Board, teachers, parents and university researchers was established to analyze and classify into six categories the collaborative activities promoted by the school; this helped to identify the typology of actions which promote more and less the parents-teachers partnership. From the conclusions of the study some implications for practice in schools are suggested.


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How to Cite
Martínez González, R.-A., Rodríguez Ruiz, B., & Gimeno Esteo, J. L. (2010). Areas for Cooperation among Teaching Centres and Families. A Case Study. Educatio Siglo XXI, 28(1), 127–156. Retrieved from