Atitudes dos idosos face à actividade física
The purpose of the present study was to analyze the attitudes of senior citizens towards physical activity as well as the importance that they attributed to it. For this aim the Older Persons Attitudes Toward Physical Activity and Exercise Questionnaire was used. This instrument has been validated for the Portuguese senior population residing or benefiting from social support institutions. The sample consisted of 193 seniors, 72 lived in elderly Homes, and the remaining 121 were regular attendants of day-care centers. Of the 193 inquired, 66 (34.2%) were males and the remaining 127 (65.8%) females, when divided in age groups, 116 (60.1%) were between 65 and the 79 years of age and the remaining 77 (39.9%) had 80 years or older. The results suggested that (1) the global attitude of the seniors towards the physical activity was positive (M=3.94 DP = .52, variance of 0.28); (2) variations exist highly significant of the global attitude in function of the type of valence of the institution (t = - .82 p = .000) and the level of education (t=-6.21 p = .003), but not in function of the sex, age and of the profession; (3) the participation in programs of physical activity did not influence the global attitude of the seniors towards physical activity (t=6.36 p= .360); and (4) the seniors' global attitude was positively related with the importance that the elderly attributed to physical activity [F(4)=59.98 p = .000].Downloads
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