Psychological skills to improve performance in table tennis


  • Juan Carlos López
Keywords: Table tennis, performance, psychological skills


The characteristics of table tennis about velocity, accuracy, short time and high intensity of the points, constants changes and continuous decision-making, the need for large amounts of training hours to command it, the difficulty to become professional, etc, make it a high demands sport, at technical, tactical and physical levels. In addition, it demands a high mental endurance capacity if to achieve a certain performance level is desiderable. After making a brief explanation about the origins of table tennis, and how the competition is organized nowadays, typical psychology demands in table tennis are described. Sport speciality as well as the several potential stressful situations in competition, have been taken into account showing evidences about the possibility of improving performance with psychological training.


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How to Cite
López, J. C. (2009). Psychological skills to improve performance in table tennis. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 9(1), 53–72. Retrieved from