Informed perception of volleyball coaches on mental health in sport: a qualitative analysis
The role of the coach is fundamental to the success of an athlete or sports team. Their work is recognized by everyone in the sports field, being responsible for performance and managing psychological factors that influence results. In the absence of a sports psychologist on the team, this responsibility falls entirely on the coach. Although there are studies on the mental health of athletes, few focus on coaches. This paper analyzes the personal experience of volleyball coaches regarding mental health and sports. Methodology: A cross-sectional observational study was carried out with qualitative methodology for data collection and analysis. Analyzed 159 responses from 114 male coaches (71.6% of the sample) and 45 female coaches (28.3%), regarding their opinions and experiences in mental health and sports. Results: The responses were grouped into categories through data triangulation. Coaches highlight the need for good mental health to perform their job and have observed mental health issues in both themselves and the athletes, with some having sought psychological help. The main risk factors include lack of social support, demands, external pressures, low remuneration, difficulty in group management, lack of recognition, and training. Conclusions: It is essential to raise awareness among coaches, sports entities, and the general population about the need to practice healthy sports to care for and improve the mental health of both athletes and coaches.
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