The motivations driving CrossFit practice among users of an affiliated center


Keywords: , physical activity, motivation, body composition, Fitness centers, Mental health

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  • No es un estudio financiado por ninguna entidad pública o privada


There is limited evidence in the literature regarding the study of motivations for CrossFit. Therefore, it is essential to contribute to scientific development in this field. The aim was to identify the motivations driving CrossFit practice among users of an affiliated. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 80 CrossFit practitioners. Sociodemographic data were collected, body composition was assessed, and the "Motives for Physical Activities Measure, revised (MPAM–R)" questionnaire was administered to understand motivations for CrossFit. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed. It was found that the primary motivation for CrossFit was fitness. It was correlated with age (Rho = .228, p = .042) and was higher in individuals with socioeconomic levels between two and four (p = .045, ES = .078). Fun was correlated with body fat percentage (Rho = .322, p = .004) and muscle mass percentage (Rho = -.015, p = .004). People with a higher weekly frequency of practice (FSP) greater than four days had higher values in fun (p = .024, ES = .296) and social (p = .030, ES = -.502) motivations. The only multiple linear regression model that met assumptions revealed that social motivation increases with FSP (.50 95%CI .24; .75) and decreases in individuals with professional education (-.89 95%CI -1.59; -.19). In conclusion, fitness stands out as the primary motivation, increasing with age. Fun motivation appears to be related to body composition, and social motivation is linked to FSP. These findings contribute to understanding motivational aspects related to CrossFit practice.


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How to Cite
Hoyos-Manrique, J. E., Arango Paternina, C. M., & Patiño Villada, F. A. (2024). The motivations driving CrossFit practice among users of an affiliated center. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 24(2), 180–192.
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