The impact of the coach's decisions on the motivation and perceived performance of young athletes


Keywords: decisional style, basic psychological needs, amotivation, intrinsic motivation, satisfaction, sport performance

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The main objective of the research was to relate the coach's decision making with motivational variables and the sports performance of young athletes. To achieve this objective, the following variables were studied: decisional style of the coach, satisfaction of basic psychological needs, intrinsic motivation, amotivation and perceived performance of athletes. A questionnaire was administered to 447 Portuguese athletes with an average age of 15.72 years (SD = 1.8), of whom 340 were boys and 107 girls. The Portuguese versions of the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale (BPNES), the intrinsic motivation and amotivation factors of the Behavior Regulation Questionnaire in Sport (BRSQ) and the Perceived Performance in Sport Questionnaire were used. In addition, 54 coaches (Mage = 39.35; SD = 11.12) of these athletes were administered the Coaches Decision Making Questionnaire (QTDT). The results of the multilevel analysis showed that there was variation in the satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs in intrinsic motivation, demotivation and perceived performance of the athletes depending on the decisional style of the coach. In conclusion, the decisional style of the coach affects the variability of the satisfaction of the psychological needs, the motivation and the perceived performance of the athlete.


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How to Cite
Silva Lourenço, J. P., Almagro, B. J., & Sáenz-López , P. (2024). The impact of the coach’s decisions on the motivation and perceived performance of young athletes. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 24(2), 162–179.
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