Psychological variables and Mental Toughness in professional basketball players


Keywords: Questionnaire, Mental Toughness, Psychological Variables, Basketball

Supporting Agencies

  • [P02D037V06] Doctorate Program in Sports Sciences, Physical Education and Healthy Physical Activity This article does not have scholarships, aid or financial support, the derived expenses have been paid by the authors.


The works on the psychological variables that influence the performance of athletes in their different disciplines contribute to being able to perform a more appropriate intervention. In this study, the Athlete's Psychological Needs Questionnaire describes the degree of motivation, arousal, confidence, and attention that allows us to determine a continuum in the mental toughness of basketball players in professional and semi-professional competitions in Spain. This cross-sectional comparative study with a sample of 184 basketball players, aged between 16 and 38 years (M = 24.20; SD = 4.65); presenting 84.2% an experience of 11 or more years of practice. The work describes and compares the participants of the different professional and semi-professional leagues in Spain, finding significant differences in mental toughness in favor of the ACB League with the EBA League (effect size = 1.00, large), in favor of the ACB League with the LF2 (effect size = 1.13, large), and in favor of the LEB Plata with the LF2 (effect size = 1.00, large). The greater knowledge of the psychological variables, the differences between male and female players, and the particularities of each one, allows a better personal intervention through the technical staff.


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Author Biographies

Rubén Domínguez, Universidad de Vigo, Pontevedra (España)

Studies Degree in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Master's Degree in Sports Psychology from the National University of Distance Education. Specialization Course in Strategic Management of Human Resources by the Open University of Catalonia. Higher Sports Technician in Basketball, Higher Grade. Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sport. Senior Basketball Coach by the Spanish Basketball Federation. Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in the Doctorate in Current Perspectives of the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity from the University of Vigo. Work experience General Director Libredón, Consulting and Training. Associate Professor at the University of Vigo, Department of Evolutionary Psychology and Communication. Coordinator of the Iberoamerican Coaching Schools. Teacher at ESICO, Libredón, LiberQuaré University, in the educational, sports and business fields; focused on skills for people management, leadership, communication, Coaching and personnel selection. He belongs to the educational faculty of the Galician Basketball Federation in the Basketball Teaching Area, as well as the Galician Football Federation in Soccer and Futsal in the fields of Leadership, Team Management and Sports Psychology. He has worked as a sports psychologist with professional and semi-professional Basketball and Swimming coaches; with professional football, basketball, roller hockey, handball, canoeing, golf, triathlon and table tennis athletes; as well as athletes from different semi-professional and amateur categories in Chess, Soccer, Tennis, Swimming, Futsal, Taekwondo, Petanque, Athletics, Horse Riding, Basketball and Skating. As a professional basketball coach, he has coached the Agrupación Deportiva Cortegada in the Women's League 2, the Ourense Basketball Club LEB Plata, the Breogan Basketball Club LEB Oro, Rivas Futura Liga Femenina, E.D. Viana in Portugal, Cíes Vigo Basketball Club, EBA League and Manuel Peleteiro Sports Association, EBA League and lower categories, as well as ADEMAR in lower categories.

Joaquín Dosil Díaz, Professor University of Vigo

Degree in Psychology and Educational Psychology from the USC. Master in Counseling and Guidance, and in Sports Psychology. Contracted Doctor Professor of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Vigo. President of the Ibero-American Society of Sports Psychology (SIPD) and Director of the Ibero-American School of Coaching (ESICO). He has published 18 books and more than 75 articles, published in international journals. He has worked with elite athletes such as Jorge Lorenzo, and in sports such as motor racing, triathlon, athletics, basketball, tennis, golf... and has collaborated with teams such as Deportivo de la Coruña, Pontevedra, among others.


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02-01-2024 — Updated on 03-01-2024
How to Cite
Domínguez, R., & Dosil Díaz, J. (2024). Psychological variables and Mental Toughness in professional basketball players. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 24(1), 60–79. (Original work published January 2, 2024)
Psicología del Deporte