Body dissatisfaction, orthorexia, and exercise dependence in amateur endurance runners

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Keywords: body dissatisfaction, orthorexia, exercise dependence, perfectionism, sport identity, endurance runners


The aim of the present study was to find out whether there is a relationship between body dissatisfaction, orthorexia, and exercise dependence in a sample of amateur endurance runners, as well as to examine psychological variables such as identity, perfectionism, and focus by comparing groups and obtaining profiles. To this end, 129 runners participating in the XIII edition of the Trail 7 Colinas de Tartessos in 2023 (96 men and 33 women; mean age M=45.5; SD=8.4), completed the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ 14), the Orthorexia 11 (ORTO-11), the Multidimensional Perfectionism Inventory in Competitive Sport (MIPS), the Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (AIMS), the ad hoc Satisfaction Questionnaire (CS), the Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ). Data and parameters as a runner were also recorded. The results showed that 15% of the runners presented body dissatisfaction and 16% orthorexia. In addition, 13 % of the runners had both manifestations. A significant positive correlation was found between body dissatisfaction and orthorexia. Both variables were also negatively correlated with expressed satisfaction with body image. However, no relationship was found with exercise dependence, although components of exercise dependence were related to psychological variables; the positive component showed a negative correlation with perfectionism, and the negative component was positively related to sports identity. Both variables were relevant in the comparison of the groups in relation to orthorexia, and separately in discrimination; perfectionism on manifest dissatisfaction and the identity scale on orthorexia.


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Author Biography

Antonio Aguilar Gómez, Andalusian Sports Psychology Association of Andalusia

Antonio Aguilar Gómez
Health Psychology Professional
         Private Practice in Health Psychology (10 years)
Sports Psychology Professional
         Coordination of Sports Schools (4 years)
         Semi-professional Football Teams (6 years)


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How to Cite
Aguilar Gómez, A. (2024). Body dissatisfaction, orthorexia, and exercise dependence in amateur endurance runners. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 24(1), 1–25.
Psicología del Deporte