The purpose of this study was to measure the mood states of the athletes moments before they start to compete in the different athletics competitions. A total of 103 athletes that practice several athletics competitions, being 60 of the male gender and 43 of the female one, took part of this study. To round up the necessary informations it was used the Questionnaire of Athletes Profile and the Profile of Mood States – POMS. The athletes were approached moments before they start to compete in a national competition. The average age of the sample was 21.10 (±7.27) years old and the average of the training time was 5.68 (±5.73) years. The most part of the athletes hoped to finish the competition within the three first places or to win it. The profile of mood states showed an inverted “iceberg profile” in witch the Tension was the most critical observed dimension. In conclusion, the results of the present study showed that there is any kind of difference between the mood states of the athletes that practice various athletics competitions, nor for the level of experience or for the gender. The results also showed the existence of a consistent with the suggestions made by the literature concerning the general psychology, which state that through an emotional experience the mood may be a sign for the individuals to have the perception of their excellent condition for the competition or, more specific, about their possibilities of success or failure.
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