In the current article we present a study in which the necessities for the psychological guidance needed by volleyball coaches that attend the course for the obtaining of the highest level for volleyball coaches in Spain (3rd level) are gathered. The process followed is the formalization of an open questionnaire in which the coaches have detailed the different situations (non-technical, non-tactical, and non-physical) that they have faced during their years as coaches and players. We also asked them to mention the problem’s origin, the way they intervened and the consequences that those interventions produced. The objective is to get to know the necessities regarding psychological interventions that volleyball coaches encounter during the development of their coaching activities. This way we may readapt and plan the units and themes of the Psychological Course for Volleyball Coaches in Spain. The results of the research show that volleyball coaches face a great number of problematic situations with a non technical or tactic origin but based on some sort of psychological intervention.Downloads
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