The objective of the present study was to design and validate a valid and reliable instrument for measuring various aspects of youth basketball players at different stages: a) the level of athletic enjoyment and diversion of various game situations, technical and tactical actions,means for basic team tactics, types of offense and defense, rule modifications and game phases both in practice sessions as well as in games; and b) the perception of the players of their coaches' demands in game phases and in certain technical and tactical actions. First, a validation of the content was done though the agreement and consensus of twelve expert judges. Secondly, 33 under-16 basketball players filled out a questionnaire and after a week, they filled it out again. The reliability was calculated through the application of a test-retest.
The results indicated that the questionnaire about the satisfaction and preferences of youth basketball players has optimal levels of reliability and validity, while registering the level of satisfaction, athletic enjoyment and diversion in athletic practice of youth basketball players in formative stages.
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