Sports practice and emotional intelligence in young people. Systematic review.


Keywords: sport, intelligence, emotion, youths


The practice of sports and emotional intelligence in young people have become very much studied constructs in recent years. The aim of this study focused on verifying whether there is any kind of relationship between the two variables by reviewing the state of the art in this field, thus allowing new lines of research to be opened up on this subject. Three databases (WOS, Scopus, and PubMed) were selected for the extraction of scientific documents, analyzing the documents obtained with the PRISMA methodology and an analysis of the quality of the final sample obtained, finally 38 articles were selected. An analysis of the content of the articles was carried out and a descriptive analysis of the information was performed using comparative tables and their statistical indices. The results showed the existence of a positive association between emotional intelligence and sports practice.


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How to Cite
Leñador-Albano, V. M., Gragera-López, A. M., Córdoba-Caro, L. G., & Feu-Molina, S. . (2023). Sports practice and emotional intelligence in young people. Systematic review. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(3).
Psicología del Deporte