Validation of “TesTactico for F7”: A tool to analyse Declarative Tactical Knowledge based on a Football Competence Observation System


Keywords: decision-making, perceptual-cognitive skills, tactical assessment, sports talent, soccer


This study aimed to design and validate a multi-response test with images of football game-play situations to evaluate the player's declarative tactical knowledge (DTK). “TesTactico for F7” (seven-a-side football) is made up of 62 game-play situations related to the criteria (phases, roles, actions of the acquired subroles, operational and core/specific principles) of the Football Competence Observation System (FOCOS), analysing a total of 67 variables. The content validity coefficient (9.63 out of 10) was estimated via expert group (n=13), calculating the averages of the degree of agreement and acceptance of the experts. The construct validity was calculated using Student's T-test for independent samples. 155 young football players participated according to their football competence (high-level=80; low-level=75). The post-hoc sample size calculation using G*Power revealed .93 of power (d=0.5, p=0.5). Bonferroni correction was used to control the family-wise error rate in each criterion. The results reflected that the high-level group was better in the 67 variables, with significant differences (p ≤ .008) in 38 of them. Cohen’s d-effect size was also calculated to assess the magnitude of the difference between both groups, which were large (d = 1.38) for the Total Average. The reliability of the tool was determined at the inter-observer level using the Fleiss kappa index of concordance (k = .882), and at the intra-observer level through the test-retest method using the Cohen kappa index (k = 1.000). Internal consistency was estimated through Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α = .925). The generalizability analysis also showed excellent reliability (G = .985) and perfect representativeness (r2 = 1.00), showing that the variability is explained by the game-play situations that make up the test. It is concluded that the instrument shows optimal validity and reliability values.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-López, R., Echeazarra, I., & Castellano, J. (2023). Validation of “TesTactico for F7”: A tool to analyse Declarative Tactical Knowledge based on a Football Competence Observation System. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(2), 223–239.
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