Testimonies of spanish amputed from the extremities during the social aislamiento by the COVID 19 pandemia: impacts on physical movement


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.520231
Keywords: pandemic, limited mobility, amputation, mental health, comprehensive rehabilitation

Supporting Agencies

  • Research Program for the Unified Health System (SUS): Shared Health Management – PPSUS - Support Foundation for Scientific and Technological Research of the State of Santa Catarina (FAPESC)


The objective was to analyze the perception that people with amputation have of the effects of social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on physical mobility. It is qualitative research was obtained through an electronic form that contained two thematic axes: physical mobility, concerns, and solutions related to physical mobility before and after the pandemic. The analysis process consisted of the organization of the testimonies, separation by thematic axes, and identification of the content keywords. The representation of the data analysis was carried out using the descriptive methodology of construction of the Ishikawa logic diagram. 10 participants were included, being 9 declared had not yet been infected with the SARS-CoV-2. The keywords that most impacted physical mobility were movement; physical activity, help getting out, and pain. Regarding the secondary keywords physiotherapy and activities performed at home stood out. The greatest repercussions of social isolation were decreased mobility and resistance to walking more stiffness and muscle problems, and difficulty in movements and daily activities. They also revealed stopping physical activities and a sedentary lifestyle, weight gain, no outside help to get out and move, and increased pain. The solutions for the mobility problems were to return to physiotherapy and physical activity and lose weight. Importance is given to remote intervention in people isolated with amputations in a comprehensive way to receive complete care rehabilitating both the physical and psychological health condition.


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How to Cite
Tonon da Luz, S. C. ., Bender dos Santos, K. P., Gómez de Castro, S. ., Marín Moreno, C. ., Barcellos de Souza, J. ., Ventosa Lacunza, C., … Martin Vilamor, P. . (2023). Testimonies of spanish amputed from the extremities during the social aislamiento by the COVID 19 pandemia: impacts on physical movement. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(3). https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.520231
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