Subclinical manifestations of eating disorders in football players


Keywords: eating disorders, risk, subclinical manifestations, football


The aim of this research was to describe different subclinical profiles related to risk of developing an eating disorder (ED) in male and female football players. For this purpose, 95 players (58 males and 37 females; mean age M=22.9 SD=5. 7) from 11 teams of the Spanish Territorial Football Federations; 25 youth and 70 senior, completed the questionnaire of eating habits of the athlete (CHAD), the sport identity measurement scale (AIMS), the multidimensional perfectionism inventory in competitive sport (MIPS), the state impulsivity scale (EIE), the difficulties of emotional regulation scale (DERS) and the satisfaction questionnaire (CS) with weight, body image, physical ability, technical talent and performance. Descriptive, comparative and correlational analyses were performed. The results showed that 22% of the athletes had inadequate eating habits and, therefore, risk of developing AT, differentiated by high scores in perfectionism and sport identity compared to those with adequate eating habits. Inadequate eating habits were positively correlated with sport identity, perfectionism and difficulty in emotional regulation; and negatively correlated with apparent satisfaction with weight, body image and physical ability. The latter were negatively correlated with difficulty in emotional regulation and positively correlated with satisfaction with talent and performance. The subclinical profiles presented, by percentage of occurrence: difficulty in emotional regulation in 45%, sport identity in 31%, perfectionism in 27% and impulsivity in 27%.


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Author Biography

Antonio Aguilar Gómez, Andalusian Sports Psychology Association of Andalusia

Antonio Aguilar Gómez
Health Psychology Professional
         Private Practice in Health Psychology (10 years)
Sports Psychology Professional
         Coordination of Sports Schools (4 years)
         Semi-professional Football Teams (6 years)


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How to Cite
Aguilar Gómez, A. (2023). Subclinical manifestations of eating disorders in football players. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(1), 1–20.
Psicología del Deporte