Attitudes and beliefs of high-performance cuban athletes about doping.


Keywords: attitudes, beliefs, doping, high performance sport


The present non- experimental and descriptive research aims to determine the main beliefs and attitudes in high-performance Cuban athletes regarding doping. This purpose directly contributes to anti-doping education considered one of the priorities of the sports system in the country. The fact that there are few records of studies of this nature in high performance was an incentive to carry it out. A sample of 300 athletes belonging to national teams of 37 sports was taken, to which the instrument Scale of attitudes and beliefs about doping was applied (Suarez and Ordoqui, 2019). The corresponding analyzes of the data obtained were carried out using the methods of descriptive statistics such as the empirical distribution of frequencies, as well as double-entry contingency tables, the means as a measure of central tendency and the standard deviation as a measure of dispersion. The KMO and Barlett tests were also used to validate the use of factor analysis and Pearson's Chi-square test. It was possible to verify in more than 50% of the sample, the presence of correct beliefs regarding the subject, as well as attitudes of rejection of athletes towards the consumption of doping substances, in addition to highlighting the influence of ethical values, which stand out as an element conducive to the non-use of doping. In the same way, the factors that athletes recognize as having the highest incidence in the appearance of behaviors of propensity towards doping were exposed, such as the inadequate handling of adverse emotional reactions, social influences and social commitment; which respond to the particularities of the Cuban sports context.


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10-04-2022 — Updated on 05-05-2022
How to Cite
Suárez Armas, S., Cañizares Hernández, M., & Carvajal Veitía, W. (2022). Attitudes and beliefs of high-performance cuban athletes about doping. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 22(2), 136–155. (Original work published April 10, 2022)
Psicología del Deporte