Descriptive study on the interruption of Physical Activity and Sports during Social, Preventive and Obligatory Lockdown derived from the Coronavirus in Argentina




Due to COVID-19, sports and physical exercise practice were interrupted as a preventive measure for the spread of the virus. The objective of the study was to analyze the coping responses, moods, habits and experiences about COVID-19 and isolation in sports population. 810 athletes and 225 coaches from 32 different sports disciplines from 19 Argentine provinces participated in a cross-sectional descriptive study. A significant decrease in the hours and days of weekly training was found; an alteration of the schedules and quality of the feeding (hydration and quantity of allowed); the hours of sleep increased significantly for emotional reasons and, finally, the time of use of electronic devices and social networks significantly increased, which generated consequences such as mental fatigue or body pain. In turn, a negative impact of isolation was found in all the evaluated areas, except in that of cohabitation, which presented a positive impact. A significant higher intensity of positive mood than negative was evidenced; these values vary significantly in coaches and athletes, with athletes having a greater intensity of negative states and a lower intensity of positive ones. Finally, coping responses of approach to the problem were found; this could be linked to a decrease in psychological discomfort caused by the interruption of sports activity. It is considered that sports and physical exercise have an added value as a protective factor at the immune and social level, but above all at the emotional and psychological level to respond to lockdown.


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How to Cite
Caicedo Cavagnis, E. E., Pagano, A. E., Marzorati, A., Fernández, C., & Lorusso, L. (2024). Descriptive study on the interruption of Physical Activity and Sports during Social, Preventive and Obligatory Lockdown derived from the Coronavirus in Argentina. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 24(2), 55–71.
Psicología del Deporte

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