Perception of physical self-concept in university students in times of confinement due to COVID-19


Keywords: self-concept, quarantine, social isolation, Coronavirus infections, college students


Confinement by COVID-19 has led to various social changes, but its impact on physical self-concept is unknown. The purpose of this work was to analyze the perception of physical self-concept in university students in times of confinement due to Covid-19. The Physical Self Questionnaire was applied to university students. For the selection of the sample the stratified random sampling procedure, for a total of 499 university students from Bogotá, Colombia. The instrument obtained acceptable Cronbach's alpha values at the general level (.943) and by dimensions. In the perception of physical self-concept at a general level and by dimensions, men obtained better scores than women. In turn, students from higher socioeconomic strata have lower scores than those from lower strata. Regarding age, older university students present lower scores in self-esteem, muscular strength, physical condition and perceived competition. The implementation of intervention programs aimed at promoting mental health related to physical self-concept, body image, self-esteem, in addition to other aspects of mental and physical health that may be affected by the COVID-19 confinement is important within universities.


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Author Biographies

Laura Lorena Cadena-Duarte, Licenciatura en Educación Física, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Docente investigadora Universitaria

Profesional en cultura física, deporte y recreación Magister en intervención integral en el deportista      

Luis Alberto Cardozo, IMED-Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte, Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina, Bogota, DC-Colombia

Luis Alberto Cardozo

Coordinador Académico en el programa Profesional en Entrenamiento Deportivo, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte, Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina. Coordinador de la línea de Investigación formativa en el programa académico. Bogota, D.C - Colombia.



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How to Cite
Cadena-Duarte, L. L. ., & Cardozo, L. A. (2021). Perception of physical self-concept in university students in times of confinement due to COVID-19. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 21(3), 48–61.
Psicología del Deporte