Psychometric Properties of the Life Orientation Test (LOT-R) for Sport
The main objective of this research was to culturally adapt and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Life Orientation Test version for the sports context (LOT-S). The sample consisted of 953 young Brazilian athletes of both sexes, with a mean age of 16 years. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis produced two correlated dimensions, reflecting optimism and pessimism, and provided support for a two-factor model. A satisfactory fit for LOT-S with six items was found (χ2=10.96, df=8; RMSEA=.020 (IC 90%=.021-.049); CFI=.995; TLI=990; NFI=.980; GFI=.996; SRMR=.032). Satisfactory tests of internal consistency were also generated through the analysis of factorial loads and t-values. Cronbach's alpha (.68/ .65) and Composite Reliability (.72/ .65) were adequate in Optimism and Pessimism, respectively. The values of average variance extracted were unsatisfactory, however, positive correlations with optimism and negative with pessimism between Motivation, Resilience and Well-Being were indicative of convergent validity. The correlations between the latent variables compared to the square roots of the average variance extracted values of each construct showed that the model has discriminant validity. The configural, metric and scalar invariance was achieved, indicating that the LOT-S can measure athletes of both sexes equally. Although more studies are needed to confirm the psychometric properties of the instrument, adapting the LOT to the sport context was the first step in the future works about the influence of Optimism on sports performance.
Keywords: optimism; pessimism; dimensionality; validation study.
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