Analysis of the free throw technique from standard players in formative basketball
The purpose was to determine whether the free throw technique of under-12 basketball players, who did not participated in any regional and national team, was similar to the technique reported by the literature and previous studies. The analysis differentiated prior to shoot and at ball release moments. Participant were 12 male players between 9 and 11 years old (M = 10.43, SD =, 63) who had never participated in any regional and national team. The observational methodology was used through a point/nomothetic/multidimensional design. The players were recorded performing a test consisting of 10 free throws. Two observers observed the technical execution of each of the shots made by the players. T-patterns were detected using Theme v.6 EDU software. Neither prior to ball release nor at ball release t-patterns were detected because the free throws followed very different behaviours, which were not repeated regularly over time. In the present work, an observation instrument was used that allowed obtaining information directly applicable to reality, differentiating between the free throw technique prior to shoot and at ball release moments. The analysed players, who did not play in any regional and national team, executed a free throw technique that contrasted in several criteria with the literature and previous studies recommendations.
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