Protective factor of coping strategies and group cohesion on psychological well-being when facing situations of competitive anxiety in football players


Keywords: psychological well-being, competitive anxiety, coping strategies, group cohesion


The psychological well-being experienced by an individual can be affected by several variables, such as anxiety. In the specific case of athletes, anxiety derived from practicing sports is common and can lead to low levels of well-being. However, there could be protective factors that would buffer this relationship. The aim of the present study is to analyse the possible protective effect of both coping strategies (assessed with the Cuestionario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento en Competición Deportiva) and group cohesion (assessed with the Cuestionario de Entorno de Grupo) on psychological well-being (assessed with the la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff), despite experiencing anxiety in sports competition (assessed with the Cuestionario de Causas, Manifestaciones y Estrategias de Afrontamiento de la Ansiedad en la Competición Deportiva). A sample of 99 amateur football players was used. The results showed negative bivariate relationships between anxiety and well-being (r = -.03 / -.37). However, when analysing the moderating effect of both group cohesion (β = .82, p < .001) and coping strategies (β = .87, p < .001), it was observed that both variables dampened the negative effect of anxiety on well-being. These results may have important practical implications in the development of interventions with athletes to improve the level of psychological well-being through the improvement of both coping strategies and group cohesion.


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How to Cite
Aguinaga, Íñigo, Herrero-Fernández, D., & Santamaría, T. (2021). Protective factor of coping strategies and group cohesion on psychological well-being when facing situations of competitive anxiety in football players. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 21(1), 86–101.
Psicología del Deporte