Validation of the Spanish version of multidimensional inventory of perfectionism in young athletes

Validation of the Spanish MIPS


Keywords: Validity; reliability; adolescents; soccer players; MIPS


The Multidimensional Inventory of Perfectionism in Sport (MIPS) is one sport specific measure of perfectionism developed on the basis of a combination of different multidimensional models. This study assesses the psychometrics of the MIPS-Y in a Spanish adolescent sport sample. Participants were 429 Spanish football players with ages ranging from 9 to 13 years. Confirmatory factor analyses showed that a two-dimensional model obtained adequate fit indices and Cronbach’s alpha coefficients showed acceptable levels of internal reliability. The criterion and convergent validity of the Spanish MIPS was also confirmed via its association with measures of sport anxiety, contingent self-worth and additional perfectionism dimensions. The results of this study suggest that the Spanish version of the MIPS is a well-adapted, reliable and valid sport specific instrument for employment with young athletes.


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How to Cite
Atienza, F., Appleton, P. ., Hall, H. K. ., Castillo Fernández, I., & Balaguer Solá, I. (2020). Validation of the Spanish version of multidimensional inventory of perfectionism in young athletes: Validation of the Spanish MIPS. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 20(1), 118–129.
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