Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Exercise Imagery Questionnaire (EIQ)


Keywords: visualitation; reliability; validity; physical activity.


In this study, the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Exercise Imagery Questionnaire (EIQ) were evaluated in a sample of 166 first-year undergraduates of a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, 127 men, and 39 woman; Mage = 20.57, SD = 2.24. Participants exercised at least 4 times a week. Moreover, the Spanish versions of four mental imagery questionnaires were administered: MIQ-R , VMIQ, VVIQ, and Gordon Test. Two confirmatory factor analyses of the EIQ were performed. First, a three-factor model (technique, energy, and appearance imagery) the same as the original model, failed to obtain the recommended values for a good fit. However, the second model adjusted to two factors (technique and energy imagery) was good (CFI = .97, NNFI = .94, RMSEA = .07, SRMR = .04) with results similar to the original test. Reliability was acceptable as measured by the Cronbach’s alpha, but composite reliability was lower than recommended. However, convergent and discriminant validity was inadequate. There was a significant correlation between the EIQ and the Gordon Test. Furthermore, Tables have been included as an aid the elucidation of the results of the sample of undergraduates on the Bachelor’s degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. The results are discussed, and substantiated the Spanish version of the EIQ was a valid and useful test for exploring two types of imagery in particular: technique and energy.


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How to Cite
Pérez-Fabello, M. J., & Campos, A. (2020). Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Exercise Imagery Questionnaire (EIQ). Sport Psychology Notebooks, 20(3), 41–54.
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