Dimensions of Exercise Self-efficacy Scale by Type of Activity in Independent Older Adult Women
For cultural reasons, for many women in Mexico the adoption of active behavior was restricted to the execution of tasks at home. It was proposed to analyze the psychometric properties of the Self-efficacy to Regulate Exercise Scale. As a secondary objective, the association of scale dimensions by type of physical activity in older adults independent of the community was analyzed. Instrumental and empirical research with two samples totaling 614 older women (M = 70.27 years, SD = 6.3). The participants present functional independence and cognitive integrity and were assistants of seniors clubs in the urban area. The Self-efficacy to Regulate Exercise Scale and the Physical Activity Scale of the Elderly were applied. Psychometric properties of the scale, descriptive and inferential analyzes with Pearson's correlation matrix are presented. SPSS version 21.0 and LISREL 8.80 were used. The adaptation to Spanish in this population has four dimensions with acceptable psychometric properties: stress, competing demands, external influences and climate. It was estimated an expenditure of 1,25 METs (SD= ,54) of physical activity in the home, 5,83 METs (SD= 4,40) for exercise and 2,09 METs (SD= 1,90) during free time. After the elimination of three items an adjustment model with four dimensions are presented. Directing strategies to increase self-efficacy secondary to external influences could increase the physical activity of this growing population group.
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