Sources of Knowledge of Paraná Basketball Coaches
Abstract: The training of trainers must occur through different sources of knowledge; however some sources are more significant than others, in this perspective it is fundamental to identify which are the main sources of knowledge that guide the structuring of the training process. Our study had as objective to identify the sources of determinant knowledge in the structuring of the training process of basketball coaches of Paraná, considering the academic degree, the competitive level and the time of professional experience. For this, a descriptive study was carried out with 20 basketball coaches from the state of Paraná. In the data collection, the instrument proposed by Feu et al (2012) was used to analyze the sources of knowledge of the trainers in three dimensions: Academic Formation, Athlete Experience and Professional Experience. Data were analyzed using inferential descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) and inference (Kruskal Wallis H test), as well as a Spearman correlation, performed using SPSS 23.0 software at a significance level of p≤0.05 . The majority of those investigated adopt the sources of knowledge from the academic training (8.34 ± 1.25) and professional experience (7.63 ± 1.87) in the construction of the training process, the higher the academic qualification of the coach, the lower is the use of knowledge professional experience. Despite the limitations of the study, the evidences found allow us to conclude that the sources of knowledge from the academic training are the most commonly used for the professional practice of the basketball coaches of Paraná.
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