A Percepção dos Gestores sobre os Objetivos do Esporte nos Municípios
The purpose of this inventory was to characterize the profile of sports managers from cities belonging to an intermunicipal consortium in the state of São Paulo and to know their view on the objectives of the sport in the city. A qualitative research was carried out, with the participation of 12 sports managers belonging to the Union of the municipalities of Media Sorocabana, in São Paulo. It was possible to verify that the profile of the municipal sports managers is similar to that identified in other studies. Also it is verified the existence of a culture that disregards the professional skills and abilities for the sport management, inherent to the sport organizations. In their interviews, managers claim that sport in their cities aims to contribute to social inclusion, improve health and quality of life, identify new talent for sports and democratize access to sports practices. We realize that some of the proposed objectives cannot be achieved only with the practice of sports, but that they depend on the elaboration of a public policy that integrates different municipal secretariats.
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