Shooting strategies and effectiveness after offensive rebound and its impact on game result in Euroleague basketball teams
Offensive rebound dominance has been widely shown as a key factor to success in basketball, since provide an extra attack. However, knowledge on how these second-options may results more effective is scarce. Thus, we aimed to discover the influence of shooting after offensive rebound on effectiveness, comparing differences between winners and losers. The sample consisted of 3010 shot attempts from Euroleague-Top-16. Variables pertaining to shooting effectiveness, shooting zone, and game result were registered through systematic observation. Statistical analyses included series of binomial logistic regression analyses. Results showed that shooting effectiveness increases by 67% when shooting after offensive rebound (OR= 1.67; p< 0.01). Additionally, winning teams were more effective after offensive rebound compared to losers (OR= 1.43; p= 0.03). Particularly, winners significantly scored more from the outside than defeated (OR= 3.40; p< 0.01), not finding differences in the inside (p= 0.62). In general, findings point out important advantages of shooting after offensive rebound, showing differences between winners and losers tactics. Thus, it is suggested developing specific tactical behaviours after offensive rebound situations to increase scoring opportunities and winning chances.
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