Exploring Resilience in Sports. Coach’s Autonomy Support and Athletes Engagement -A contribute to literature


Keywords: Resilience, Autonomy Support, Athletes Engagement, Self-determination Theory

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias
  • Centro de Estudos de Exercício e Bem-Estar


This study explores coaches’ autonomy support, athletes’ engagement and its relationship with resilience. A total of 177 athletes were surveyed (78 females), age between 12 and 31.  Results indicated coaches’ autonomy support and athletes’ engagement are positively associated to resilience, differences were found according to gender, individual/team sport athletes and age groups. This paper opens a line of discussion concerning protective and promotive factors related to athletes’ resilience. Athletes, coaches’, educators and sports psychologists may benefit from these findings, allowing better performances and more positive sports experiences to athletes.


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How to Cite
Pedro, S. D. G. (2018). Exploring Resilience in Sports. Coach’s Autonomy Support and Athletes Engagement -A contribute to literature. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 18(1), 151–160. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/cpd/article/view/279901
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