An exploratory study of self-efficacy and attitudes on self-care health behaviors among Greek Naval Academy cadets. An application of the Theory of Planned


  • Evangelos Bebetsos Democritus University of Thrace
  • Eleni Zetou Democritus University of Thrace
  • Nikolaos Vezos Democritus University of Thrace
Keywords: self-efficacy, attitudes, intention, self-identity, perceived behavioral control


Many health conditions are caused by risk behaviors, such as problem drinking, substance use, and smoking. Health-compromising behaviors can be eliminated by self-regulatory efforts, and health-enhancing behaviors can be adopted instead, such as physical activity, weight control, and preventive nutrition.  Literature review indicated the negative correlation between smoking and exercise, suggesting that smoking status has been positively associated with weight-loss intention, but negatively correlated with use of exercise.  Additionally, smoking is negatively associated with readiness for participation in vigorous exercise. Research supports the fact that healthy diet can prevent and manage cardiovascular diseases and orthopaedic disorders. Facts indicate that if interventions foster exercise habits, this could facilitate transfer effects from one health behavior to the other.  The aim of the study was to investigate the involvement of self-efficacy and attitudes on self-care health behaviors such as eating, smoking and exercise habits.  The sample consisted of 185 cadets of the Greek Naval Academy (165 men, 20 women).  They completed the Greek versions of the “Theory of Planned Behavior” and “Health Behavior” questionnaires.  Results indicated that youngest cadets reported healthier habits than the older ones.  More specifically, they were more positive oriented on eating healthier, and exercising, and more negatively oriented towards smoking.  Overall, results shine for the first time some light on crucial and important aspects of prediction of intentions among healthy and unhealthy behaviors of military personnel.


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Author Biographies

Evangelos Bebetsos, Democritus University of Thrace

School of Physical Education & Sport Science

Associate Professor

Eleni Zetou, Democritus University of Thrace

School of Physical Education & Sport Science

Associate Professor

Nikolaos Vezos, Democritus University of Thrace

School of Physical Education & Sport Science

Physical Education Teacher
How to Cite
Bebetsos, E., Zetou, E., & Vezos, N. (2018). An exploratory study of self-efficacy and attitudes on self-care health behaviors among Greek Naval Academy cadets. An application of the Theory of Planned. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 18(1), 81–88. Retrieved from
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