Estandariazación del TEAD-R (Test Estados de Ánimo para Deportistas de Rendimiento) en una muestra de deportistas de rendimiento de Bogotá D.C., en las etapas de entrenamiento deportivo general y competitiva
The following study’s intention was to standardize the TEAD-R (Mood State in Performance Sports) of 18 items, developed by Moreno (2004), and applied in two training phases to a total of 385 athletes between ages of 9 and 45 years of age, and from 22 different sport disciplines. These athletes represent Bogotá D.C. and were distributed in the following manner: 185 competitive athletes and 200 athletes in preparation stages. The design employed is psychometric; a descriptive methodology of a group is used to validate and standardize the test. As a first step developing the test, TEAD-R was applied followed by the POMS (65 items) by McNair, Lorr and Dropleman (1971). The descriptive statistic qualities of TEAD-R were examined, as well as the intra and inter scales correlation. Furthermore, the levels of trustworthiness, validity, factorial structure, and discrimination power were determined. The final result of this investigation left us with a scale and total Cronbach alpha coefficients higher than 73 and significant correlation higher than .57 (P>0.01). These values also allowed the factorial confirmation of the six scales through the 18 items which are part of TEAD-R. However, the most important contribution is the ability to provide an instrument that is brief, valid, and trustworthy to evaluate the mood of performance athletes.Downloads
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