Student´ important role, basic psychological needs, motivational regulations, and physical self-concept in physical education setting


  • Antonio Méndez Giménez Universidad de Oviedo
  • Javier Fernández Río Universidad de Oviedo
  • José Antonio Cecchini Estrada Universidad de Oviedo
Keywords: Self-concept, self-esteem, self-determination, Vallerand’s model


The Self-Determination Theory was used to examine possible relationships among children’s important role, basic needs and motivational regulations. A sample of 246 students, ages ranged from 12-17 years, completed a questionnaire that included the important role subscale of the PMCSQ, the physical self-concept subscale of the DF-AF5, the BPNES, and the PLOC. The structural equation model revealed that the importantrole positively predicted the basic needs, which positively predicted the more self-determined regulations and negatively the less self-determined ones. Intrinsic motivation and introjected regulation positively predicted physical self-concept too. Results suggest that if teachers can improve students’ perceptions of their important role in class, their basic needs and motivations could be satisfied regardless their skill level. They could also increase their physical self-concept


How to Cite
Méndez Giménez, A., Fernández Río, J., & Cecchini Estrada, J. A. (2013). Student´ important role, basic psychological needs, motivational regulations, and physical self-concept in physical education setting. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 13(1), 71–82. Retrieved from

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