Perceived quality assessment in sports program voluntary: Pilot study


  • Rosa García González Universidad de Cadiz
  • Encarnación Chica Merino Universidad de Cadiz
  • Antonio Hernández Mendo Universidad de Málaga
  • Verónica Morales Sánchez Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: Sports volunteerings, perceived quality, assesment, integral Management


Nowadays the vast majority of participants in sport activities and the importance in the organization management concerning sport events made a necessity the design of a strategic plan of management in order to reach the quality and confort of the mentioned population. Considering this approach, the need for analyzing the importance of the Integral Management of Quality, which can be described as a set of procedures and important strategies in the search, management and direction of a continuos improvement, is created. We consider that an evaluative methodology which makes possible the participation of the people involved in the development of the plans (formative evaluation) is a necessary instrument for considering the efficiency of the mentioned programmes as well as the incorporation of better improvements. Nevertheless, recently, one of the researches made by Martínez and Martínez (2008a) questions the suitability of the multidimensional models (SERVQUAL, RSQS y Modelo Jerárquico y Multidimensional, entre otros), as regard theory and methodology in the way they are implemented in the recent investigation. These authors propose more creative ways to conceptualize and measure the perceived quality in each context of investigation and they suggest the use of a personal approach. Also, they suggest not to limit the results of qualitative researches. This planning is situated within a pilot study of an instrument called ―Evaluación de la Calidad Percibida del Voluntariado Deportivo‖ (ECPVE v.1.0) in the context of Sport Volunteering. With it we want to estimate the perceived quality of the volunteers through their fulfillment. Our instrument also allows carrying out an evaluation of the mentioned programmes from the volunteers themselves in order to improve through the way (formative evaluation).


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How to Cite
García González, R., Chica Merino, E., Hernández Mendo, A., & Morales Sánchez, V. (2011). Perceived quality assessment in sports program voluntary: Pilot study. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 11(2), 163–170. Retrieved from