Conceptualization of tacticual intelligence in soccer: Considerations for the development of an instrument of evaluation in field from the executive functions


  • Sandra García Universidad El Bosque
  • Andrés Rodríguez Universidad El Bosque
  • Alexandra Garzón Universidad El Bosque
Keywords: Sport Psychology, Soccer, Tactical Intelligence, Neurocognition


The objective of this research is conceptualize the term tactical intelligence, through the theoretical approach of the psychological processes associated with the sport tactics in soccer, in order to take this information to develop an instrument to assess in field tactical intelligence from the executive functions (Phase I). On a characterization of tactical football as a sport, we analyzed various psychological processes involved in the sport tactics (sensation, perception, attention, decision making and intelligence) to achieve a new definition of tactical intelligence as a multidimensional psychological process, relating later with the construct of executive functions from which to make an initial proposal for the creation of an instrument of evaluation.


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How to Cite
García, S., Rodríguez, A., & Garzón, A. (2011). Conceptualization of tacticual intelligence in soccer: Considerations for the development of an instrument of evaluation in field from the executive functions. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 11(1), 69–78. Retrieved from