Dosage of the aerobic work for the invigoration and preservation of the health


  • Roberto Escalona Labaceno Departamento Medico-Biológico. Instituto Superior de Cultura Física. Santiago de Cuba
  • Sara Fayad Saeta Departamento de Actividad Física y Promoción de Salud. Centro Provincial de Medicina Deportiva. Santiago de Cuba
Keywords: aerobic physical exercises, health


Benefits obtained from the systematic practice of aerobic physical exercises are great, we offer an approach for their dosage when the person does it to favor, maintain or recover health. It’s also very useful for technicians or therapists that use physical exercise as a therapeutic means, and that as a general rule, theoretically, can set the limits of volume and intensity of the exercise to be used, but not so in practice, working worrisome or with fear to surpass the maximum possibilities of the sick person, or on the other hand not reaching the physiological threshold. Attention is guarantee in its 20 years experience working in therapeutic physical culture areas and the elaboration of a set of programs for the treatment of various illnesses of different origins and systems, using physical exercise as a means and obtaining great results. In addition we can say that to carry out this proposal you don’t need a sophisticated technology, nor great economical resources, so this permit it’s sustainability, massiveness and improve quality of life of an important part of the population.


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How to Cite
Escalona Labaceno, R., & Fayad Saeta, S. (2003). Dosage of the aerobic work for the invigoration and preservation of the health. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 3(1). Retrieved from

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