The strategies of visual search continued by the athlete and their relationship with the anticipation in the sport


  • Francisco Javier Moreno Hernández Doctor en Educación Física y Profesor Titular en Facultad CC. Deporte Cáceres
  • Vicente Luis del Campo Maestro especialista en Educación Física, Licenciado en Ciencias Actividad Física y el Deporte y Becario F.P.I. de la Junta de Extremadura
  • Raúl Reina Vaíllo Licenciado en Ciencias Actividad Física y el Deporte y Becario F.P.I. de la Junta de Extremadura
  • Francisco Ávila Romero Doctor en Educación Física y Profesor EADE de Málaga
  • Rafael Sabido Solana Licenciado en Ciencias Actividad Física y el Deporte
Keywords: Visual behaviour, visual searchs, time limitations, anticipation, making-decisions


The aim of the document is showing to the reader a vision of the hole of investigations that has been done and is being done around the visual perception and anticipation from motor behaviour. Concepts such visual search, anticipation and making decisions are reviewed and analysed. At the same time, across the text the relationship between visual behaviour and anticipation is highlighted. The porpuse is sensitizing the reader about the importance of the visual perception and anticipation on the sports; in which is required a plan of action and the performance of a response, meanly motor, under situations of lack of time.


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How to Cite
Moreno Hernández, F. J., del Campo, V. L., Reina Vaíllo, R., Ávila Romero, F., & Sabido Solana, R. (2003). The strategies of visual search continued by the athlete and their relationship with the anticipation in the sport. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 3(1). Retrieved from

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