Burnout, locus of control and high performances sportsmen


  • Greisy Medina Mojena Centro Provincial de Medicina del Deporte (Pinar del Río, Cuba)
  • Francisco Enrique García Ucha Instituto de Medicina del Deporte de Cuba
Keywords: Burnout, locus of control, sport psychology, high performances of sport


The studies about burnout began in the 70 th by Freudenberg (1974) and in sports in the 80th. In Cuba this is one of the first about the theme. 40 sportsmen of high performance were studied weights, handball, basket and tackewondo. With an age between 18 and 28 years and a sport experience between 5 and 16 years. The techniques employed is an adaptation of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (1981) by Garcés de Los Fayos (1999) and a Locus of control test. The main results confirmed that in the setting of sports there is a tendency to the apparition of this syndrome and in the group of sportsmen there is no statistical terms to establish a relationship between the burnout and the locus of control. 


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How to Cite
Medina Mojena, G., & García Ucha, F. E. (2002). Burnout, locus of control and high performances sportsmen. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 2(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/cpd/article/view/111791