Psychosomatic integration: postural neurophysiological factors and their influence on the prevention of psychological risks like stress


  • Andrés Valverde Conesa Asociación Murciana de Actividad Física para la Salud (AFYSA)
Keywords: physical activity, ergonomy, stress, posture, neurophysiology, psychosomatic, work site, health


The proposal of this article is, on the one hand, to discuss the present concept of psychosomatic disease. This concept, in spite of the effort of connecting disciplines which used to be so different, such as behaviour sciencies and halopathic medicine, still remains apart from its authentic integrative dimension. On the other hand, the review of the bibliography allows us to make clear the scientific basis which justifies reciprocal influence between posture and stress. With this, we aim to sustain how advisable it is to implant systems of physical activity, which, based on some postural reeducation therapies or alternative gymnastics, and adecuated to the work sites, would cover the preventive demands of diseases such as professional stress, or the osteomuscular damages due to overstrength.


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How to Cite
Valverde Conesa, A. (2002). Psychosomatic integration: postural neurophysiological factors and their influence on the prevention of psychological risks like stress. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 2(2). Retrieved from