The Geography and History classroom, a good setting for the development of intercultural education
The purpose of this research is to know the perception about the intercultural competence of the different members of the educational community of a publicly owned institute. The methodology used has been based on an evaluative investigation using the CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process and Product) in a Geography and History classroom of the 3rd year of Compulsory Secondary Education. This article focuses on the diagnostic and product phases. For the first a non-experimental survey-type design has been used, with a cross-section and with a descriptive-comparative purpose, in which three questionnaires have been used for each of the school´s educational agents: teachers, families and students. For the product phase, a scale of intercultural competence is used with the students assuming a pre-experimental static group comparison design. The results obtained legitimize and justify the need to carry out an intercultural treatment of the ESO curriculum. An intercultural intervention program has been designed, applied and evaluated. It has been analyzed if the participants have improved intercultural competence in its three areas: cognitive, affective and behavioral. The program designed, applied and evaluated provides didactic possibilities to contribute to the development and improvement of intercultural competence from the area of Geography and History. It is a good resource to discover social analysis from the intercultural parameters and, ultimately, for the knowledge of the social.
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