The minority’s perspective: Stereotypes and emotions between immigrant groups


  • Isabel Cuadrado University of Almería. Department of Psychology. Cañada de San Urbano, s/n. 04120. Almería
  • Lucía López-Rodríguez University of Almería
  • Marisol Navas University of Almería
Keywords: immigrants, stereotype content model (SCM), intraminority intergroup relations, Moroccan, Romanians, Ecuadorians

Supporting Agencies

  • Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. National Plan R D I (Reference PSI2011-22731)


This study focused on the minority’s perspective, and analyzes the assessments that the three immigrant groups most representative in Spain maintain about each other on the variables defended by the Stereotype Content Model (SCM). Four hundred and nine immigrants participated assessing the other two groups: Moroccan immigrants were assessed by Ecuadorians (EM group, N = 66) and Romanians (RM, N = 76); Romanians were assessed by Ecuadorians (ER, N = 65) and Moroccans (MR, N = 62); and Ecuadorians were assessed by Romanians (RE, N = 80) and Moroccans (ME, N = 60). All participants reported how they perceived the specific group in morality, sociability, and competence, the extent in which they experienced emotions of admiration, contempt, envy and pity, and their perception of status and intergroup competition. Results with minority groups supported most of the SCM predictions already confirmed with majority members. The most valued group in status and stereotypes was the Ecuadorian group (coinciding with the majority’s perception), who also aroused more admiration. These findings are discussed by addressing the applicability of the SCM when analyzing intergroup relations among minority groups.


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Author Biographies

Isabel Cuadrado, University of Almería. Department of Psychology. Cañada de San Urbano, s/n. 04120. Almería

Profesora Titular de Universidad

Departamento de Psicología

Universidad de Almería

Lucía López-Rodríguez, University of Almería

Investigadora posdoctoral. 

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Marisol Navas, University of Almería

Profesora Titular de Universidad

Departamento de Psicología

Universidad de Almería


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How to Cite
Cuadrado, I., López-Rodríguez, L., & Navas, M. (2016). The minority’s perspective: Stereotypes and emotions between immigrant groups. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 32(2), 535–544. Retrieved from
Social Psychology

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