Risk factors associated with the violence against women in couples: a review of meta-analyzes and recent studies
Supporting Agencies
- Universidad del País Vasco UPV-EHU
- Universidad de Burgos
The aim of this study was to conduct a complementary to current and recent meta-analysis of risk factors to intimate partner violence literature review. This work confirms that on community-level, low economic development and democracy, lack of social rights, culture of honor and masculine culture – characterized by sexist attitudes and tolerance to violence- are risk factors. On contextual and individual level, being younger, having a low income and low education level, having more than one child, using violence reciprocally against ones partner, depression, fear and alcohol consumption are associated with increased risk of being a victim of intimate violence. Less consistency, are risk factors, situations of war, religious fundamentalism, being in a long term relationship, lower relationship satisfaction, emotions such as guilt, shame and other factors such as pregnancy.Downloads
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