Parental acceptance-rejection and profiles of victimization and ag-gression in bullying situations
Supporting Agencies
- Consejería de Economía
- Comercio e Innovación. III Plan Regional de Investigación
- Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación de Extremadura. Junta de Extremadura.
An important area of study in bullying remains the analysis of the causes of the phenomenon and the factors that act as protective / risk in the cultural, social, personal, school and family. The family may be key protective factor or risk in the occurrence of school violence situations. With this study by discriminant analysis aims to determine the relationships between the different profiles of victimization and aggression dynamics involved in bullying and acceptance-rejection participants perceived their parents. The total sample consisted of 700 adolescent students, 43% female and 57% men with a mean age of 13.98. We have used the Cuestionario de Convivencia Escolar (Defensor del Pueblo, 2006) and Escala de Afecto versión hijos, EA-H (Bersabé, Fuentes y Motrico, 2001). Our results confirm that the victims would be characterized by greater affection and receive communication from their mothers. The attackers and attackers / victims to perceive rejection and criticism, especially from the father and little affection and communication of their mothers.Downloads
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