Relationship between psychoactive substance use and family maltreatment: a prison population analysis


  • Francisco Javier Rodríguez-Díaz Universidad de Oviedo
  • Carolina Bringas-Molleda Universidad de Valladolid
  • María de la Villa Moral-Jiménez Universidad de Oviedo
  • Beatriz Pérez-Sánchez Universidad de Oviedo
  • Anastasio Ovejero-Bernal Universidad de Valladolid
Keywords: Maltreatment, drugs, family, delinquency

Supporting Agencies

  • University of Oviedo (Reference UNOV-11-MA-08 and UNOV-12-MB-RENOV-01).


The present study is framed within the analysis of the relationship between family background and offending behaviour at young age, considered crime during adulthood; and drug use. The aim is to establish the possible influence of family maltreatment experienced during the socialization period on the early onset of drug use in a sample of prison inmates from the Villabona Penitentiary (Asturias, Spain). The study was performed with a total of 157 inmates who participated voluntarily. Physical and psychological violence exercised by parents and siblings was considered a predicting variable, with psychoactive substances consumption being considered a dependent variable. Analysis of survival was performed using the Cox regression method, and is therefore mediated by both the type of inmate (i.e. primary or recidivist) and the type of crime for which they are serving time in prison. According to the rate of recidivism, results reveal the importance of maltreatment experienced within families in the earlier onset of tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, heroin and amphetamines use. Likewise, according to the type of crime, maltreatment within the family influences the initiation of alcohol, cannabis, prescription drugs, cocaine, amphetamines and designer drugs consumption.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez-Díaz, F. J., Bringas-Molleda, C., Moral-Jiménez, M. de la V., Pérez-Sánchez, B., & Ovejero-Bernal, A. (2013). Relationship between psychoactive substance use and family maltreatment: a prison population analysis. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 29(2), 360–367.
Clinical and Health Psychology