Study of ethnic attitudes in childhood through an implicit measure


  • Carolina Callejas
  • Irene Solbes
  • Cristina Dopico
  • Ana Escudero
Keywords: ethnic attitudes, children, implicit, videogame, national groups


The purpose of this study was to examine how Spanish children behave when they have to interpret and make decisions about the behaviour of other children of different ethnicities. We designed a computer game where 120 children, 60 of 7-8 years olds, and 60 of 12-13 years old, competing in an online game (simulated) with three other children from different ethno-national groups: one Spanish, one Moroccan and a Latin American. During the game a participant violates one of the established rules and the participant must decide whether a bug or a trap and punish this violation with a penalty. At the end of the game, each participant was interviewed to assess their preferences to the other players. The results show that Spanish players received less punishment than the Moroccans and the Latin American, and Spanish also being preferred by the majority of participants. Regarding developmental differences were observed less ingroup preference by older participants compared to younger ones.


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How to Cite
Callejas, C., Solbes, I., Dopico, C., & Escudero, A. (2011). Study of ethnic attitudes in childhood through an implicit measure. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 27(3), 655–661. Retrieved from
Special issue. Prejudice: Sociodevelopmental perspectives. Guest Editors: Silvia Guerrero, Ileana Enesco and Rosa M Pons