La traducción de la "Farce de Mahuet qui donne ses oeufs au pris du marché"


  • María Del Pilar Mendoza Ramos
Keywords: Farce, deceit, manipulation, naïf, Mahuet


Medieval and Renaissance farce presents a very interesting body of works the comic contents of which, along with some of its dramatic devices, were to be reproduced in future comic drama. However, its translation into Spanish turns out to be difficult at times not only due to Middle French peculiarities but also to the fact that no correspondence to some of its devices is to be found in our language. Such is the case with wordplay, misunderstandings, or simply the manipulative discourses or specific vocabulary of a frame of mind different from ours. In this sense, the annotated translation of Farce Mahuet qui donne ses oeufs au pris du marché, a brief piece with a naïf protagonist, will allow us to account for some of these characteristic comic devices, such as literal interpretation of utterances with a high pragmatic content, deceits based on double-meanings and puns or the bare distortion of reality.


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How to Cite
Mendoza Ramos, M. D. P. (2013). La traducción de la "Farce de Mahuet qui donne ses oeufs au pris du marché". Anales de Filología Francesa, 21, 225–242. Retrieved from