On the side of the marginals: the character of Ahmed in The Tower of Defense (1978) of Copy
Copi, writer, playwright and draughtsman Argentino settles in Paris in 1962 until his death in 1987. The experience of exile and wandering marks the personal and creative trajectory of this intercultural artist. Indeed, a whole series of vulnerable and marginal characters swarm in their particular universe and subvesivo. In this space of the excluded, the figure of the immigrant Maghreb in France, embodied in the character of Ahmed, acquires all its significance. In this work we will try to analyse the symbolic value of Ahmed, heir to the colonial past marked by rejection, which appears in the Teatro de Copi, specifically in La Défense Tour (1978). Ahmed’s image traces an invisible and symbolic line that separates the two shores of the Mediterranean: the Maghrebi and the French. This dichotomy leaves behind a world of opposite and ambivalent feelings of desire and hatred, love and violence, happiness and misfortunes where the author always Posisionará on the side of the oppressed. Will Ahmed be the symbol of freedom and tolerance, the embodiment of the true solidarity values forgotten by the French society?
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