Prostitution et échanges sexuels: de l ́optique occidentale à la réalité maghrébine


  • Juan José Perales I.E.S. San Isidoro
Keywords: brothel, zinâ, sexual relations, gifts, independence, shared apartment, hymen


Prostitution in Morocco has had the same features as in any other part of the world, though colonialism has contributed to its development. Being independent and living out of the family’s control meant their sexual relations were illicit, no different from sex work, as suggested by the use of the word zinâ (fornication) which includes all sorts of illicit and illegal relations. Nowadays, there are adult and young women who share apartments and pay this independence with their own well-earned money or the money given by their lover(s) as a gift, an exchange which is tolerated by society, since not getting anything from the men they have sexual relations with would not be right. Nevertheless, the loss of virginity implies the impossibility of coming into marriage, so long awaited by large numbers of women. Virginity is then guaranteed by the preservation of the hymen through different sexual practices not involving vaginal penetration.


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How to Cite
Perales, J. J. (2018). Prostitution et échanges sexuels: de l ́optique occidentale à la réalité maghrébine. Anales de Filología Francesa, 26.